Sparta vs athens pdf

Despite losing to sparta in the peloponnesian war, athens continued to be an important cultural and economic center throughout roman times, and it is the capital of the modern nation of greece. Sparta dbq directions the task below is based on documents a through q. It is believed to have been established in the end of the fourth millennium bc. The emphasis on the army made family life less important in sparta than in other greek citystates. Physical education in sparta was military education where a child had to join at the age of 7 years. Difference between athens and sparta difference wiki. After the way, two leagues of alliances were formed. In reality athens and sparta were both fairly militaristic, and at other times b oth were fairly democratic. Democracy all have a right to participate the assembly passes all the laws. Both men and women enjoyed different privileges in sparta and athens.

If, on the contrary, you prefer the confortable, lofty and academic life, athens w. Look at each document and answer the question or questions after each document. They had athletic training and learned to defend themselves. Sparta has been debated for many years but the clear answer is and always will be athens.

Athens and sparta were known as rival cities of greece. This task is designed to test your ability to work with the information provided by various types of documents. They must work together in groups to research, present, debate and ultimately decide which ancient city was the best. Sparta is said to have been founded by lacedaemon the son of zeus and taygete who married sparta the daughter of eurotas. Whilst other seawarfare citystates such as aegina, corinth and rhodes all had large amounts of ships, the biggest fleet was at athens, which could amass up to 200 triremes at its peak.

A comparison between athens and sparta in ancient greek history. Sparta was different from athens in almost every way, beginning with its government. Athens was one of the best greek citystates at sea warfare. Spartans who visited athens probably felt the same way. Difference between athens and sparta compare the difference. Use your answers to the questions to help you write your essay. Something to consider if a nation only had one option, to either train all of its citizens. These conflicts eventually led to athens losing power in ancient greece. It was mandatory for all spartan men to serve in the military, while in athens only the thetes 500, 300 and 200 bushel men were eligible to serve in the military. Jan 19, 2016 key difference athens vs sparta athens and sparta refer to two of the greatest cities of greece between which many differences can be identified in terms of the lifestyles and value systems. Athens unlike spartans, athenians were more interested in building a democracy than building a military force. What are the differences between athens and sparta. Even today, the achievements of athenians in terms of architecture are much appreciated. For sparta, the strength of the military highly rested on the army, which was comprised of the besttrained and most mighty warriors of ancient times.

Their advancements in art, science and government make them a far better polis than sparta. It is a center for economic, political, financial and culture life in greece. Both athens and sparta hold historic value for greece and the world. Sparta and athens these two citystates have been credited for being the cradle of western civilization. Athens had to free all the cities under its control or face a war. Sparta, on the other hand, was located in the laconia region and exhibited a more temperate and dry.

While athens was a democracy, sparta was an oligarchy. In this essay we are going to discuss the similarities and differences between the two citystates from their beginnings to their politics, culture, social gatherings. Athens, located in the attica region, had a mediterranean climate with adequate amounts of precipitation. Athens lay northeast of sparta, at least a twoday trip away. As you learned in chapter 26, in an oligarchy the ruling power is in the hands of a few people. Athens which is in southern europe is one of the oldest cities in ancient greece. In 431 bce a war broke out between athens and sparta. Would you join the delian league or the peloponnesus league government. All of his reforms were directed towards the three spartan virtues. Many of these were no more than small towns or even villages which controlled sometimes very small territories. This game provides insight into why the war was fought the way it was.

The trireme was a light wooden ship which was highly maneuverable. Sparta simulation is an educational experience designed to present learners in grades 6 through 12 with a variety of challenges. The two most powerful citystates in greece, sparta and athens, had very different cultures and became bitter enemies in the 400s bc. In athens and attica, there were at least 150,000 athenians. Though athens and sparta were located in the same country of greece, the two were far enough apart to exhibit slightly different climates. Athens was an open society, and sparta was a closed one.

Athens left an everlasting effect on the world, while sparta. Athens was surrounded by hills that kept the city safe from attack while sparta was situated at the top of the hill which gave it an attacking advantage over other cities. What is the most effective and fair form of government. After the greek dark ages, athens grew rapidly until athens was one of the two most powerful citystates in the ancient greek world. Sparta was the greatest military power in the greek city. Athens is the capital and the largest city of greece. Sparta, on the other hand, despite never being conquered by the macedonians, ceased to have much influence on the geopolitics of greece, europe, or asia. Sparta overview the slight differences between classical athens and sparta are magnified in this lesson because it provides for good issuebased discussion. The city lies at the southern end of the central laconian plain, on the right bank of the eurotas river.

Whilst sparta was a formidable force on land, athens ruled the sea. I had half of my students research sparta and half athens, and then each group shared out. Sparta is a strategic level block game of the peloponnesian war, fought from 431bc to 404bc. Athens was known for its large contributions to western civilization unlike sparta, athens was not a citystate for war it was one which valued philosophy, equality, and the arts. Map of greece and the cities of athens and sparta view of athens, around 3000 years ago. Compare and contrast life in athens and sparta, with emphasis on their roles in the persian and peloponnesian wars. Athens was repeatedly attacked since athenians didnt have a warlike reputation.

There is much less information about the spartans than the other greek citystates physical training and fitness was considered to be an. Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary. Reading connectionwhen visiting a new city, does everything feel strange to you. Thermopylaebasics on the persian wars battle of theropylae480 b. Athenian democracy strongly influenced later forms of democracy. A few years later, athens tried to conquer sicily, but. Sparta was home to the fiercest warriors in the ancient greek, operated under under a odd combination of a oligarchy, diarchy, and republic. Sparta persuasive research paper henrylih lass per. Social and political roles of women in athens and sparta. After reading the information about sparta and athens, and looking at the chart above, prepare a poster or travel brochure or real estate ad extolling your citystate choose between sparta and. The citystates of athens and sparta had two quite different governments.

The spartans were famed for their military strength. Differences between sparta and athens 771 words cram. It is believed that in sparta, the elders tested a newborn baby for deformities and if the baby was deemed unlikely to become a strong soldier, he was tossed into a gorge. They had a few things in common, and throughout history, they were at war with each other for domination and supremacy. A free powerpoint ppt presentation displayed as a flash slide show on id. By far, the two most powerful cities were athens and sparta. Before the greek dark ages, athens was a small village. The rapid rise of athens as a dominant citystate in ancient greece threatened the spartans and triggered the onset of war. Education in athens and sparta differed as education was based on the values most highlyregarded by each society. The two citystates that best represent each form of government were sparta oligarchy and athens democracy. The name athens is derived from ancient greek goddess athena. In an effort to curb the rise of athenian influence, sparta issued athens an ultimatum. The people of athens and sparta had different set of values and were unique in their own way.

They were the biggest of rivals, two towering cities at their peak, the most influential cultural, military, and trade powers of western civilization in the first millennium b. Physical education in athens was also military education, but they joined after 12 years. The answer is entirely subjective, depending on what you judge best. The peloponnesian war, fought between athens and sparta from 431 to 404 bce, is perhaps the most important and also the most wellknown of all these conflicts as it helped redefine the balance of power in the ancient world.

Athens and sparta athens and sparta were the two largest greek citystates of the ancient world. Within this report, i will provide an analysis of athens and sparta and their governmental practices. This was no awareness briefing or sensitivity session. These two were so close to each other on the map, yet they were so far apart in the way they valued and approached life. Athens is the symbol of freedom, art, and democracy in the conscience of the civilized world. Athens students can take their own notes on this document to compare and contrast the two ancient greek civilizations. Nov 30, 2017 similarities between sparta and athens in terms of military power secondly, both sparta and athens had an active military that was highly regarded in the entire region. This war pitted the superior wealth and naval power of athens against the militarism of sparta. Sparta the advantages of spartan education and marriage customs plutarch, life of lycurgus 1416 lycurgus was the legendary lawgiver of sparta, who established the tough, military nature of spartan society. They were the biggest of rivals, two towering cities at their peak, the most influential cultural, military, and trade powers. Differences between physical education in sparta and.

Contrary to the way they are commonly portrayed, athens had a. In sparta, husbands and wives spent much time apart. It was a bloody contest, with many heroic triumphs and great atrocities. Sparta was the greatest military power in the greek citystates spartans lived in harsh conditions, without luxuries, to make them tough fighters. A case for sparta that you dont have to agree with if you dont want to in ancient greece there were two different major forms of government, oligarchy and democracy. Compare and contrast the education in athens and sparta. Sparta athens, as we all know, was the birthplace of democracy, however, not all of greece operated under a democracy. The athenians were very different from the ancient spartans.

If you prefer a reglemanted, military based, hard life, then sparta is the better of the two. The delian league with athens and the peloponnesian league with sparta. Sparta athens and sparta were both citystates inside greece. Athens can be considered as the fountain of culture and philosophical knowledge. Apr 18, 2020 despite losing to sparta in the peloponnesian war, athens continued to be an important cultural and economic center throughout roman times, and it is the capital of the modern nation of greece. In athens and attica, there were at least 150,000 athenians, around 50,000 aliens, and more than 100,000 slaves. Similarities between sparta and athens in terms of military power secondly, both sparta and athens had an active military that was highly regarded in the entire region. The women the main difference between the condition of athenian and spartan women was based on their value to the state as breeding stock. This is because sparta was located on the peloponnesian peninsula. By 432 bc, athens had become the most populous citystate in hellas.

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